Activity Areas

Family and Inheritance Law

- Pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages arising from the engagement
- Marriage permission and the abolition of the period of violence
- Cases related to the cancellation and absence of marriage
-Material and moral compensation cases related to divorce and divorce
- Goods sharing cases
- Custody cases
- Alimony (Participation, Measure, Poverty) cases
- Lawsuits for the establishment of paternity
-Adoption cases
- Issuing a license
- Assign inheritance
Inheritance Disappearance cases
- Arrangement of maintenance contract until death
- Establishing a foundation by privatizing the heritage and related lawsuits
- Inheritance warrant case
- Actions for the cancellation of fictitious inheritance savings
- Conflict cases

Labor and Social Security Law

- Severance Pay Cases
- Other compensation lawsuits filed due to the termination of the employment contract, (material and moral compensation)
- Reemployment lawsuits
- Service determination cases
- Employer consultancy
- Lawsuits filed due to work accidents
- Occupational disease detection and compensation case

Commercial Law

- In the preparation of commercial contracts;
- In the issuance and sending of warnings related to commercial matters;
- In commercial-related negotiations and in all disputes arising from commercial relations
- About the procedures to be carried out within the scope of the Personal Data
- Protection Law

Insurance and Health Law

- Material and moral compensation cases in materially damaged accidents
- Material and moral compensation cases in traffic accidents with death and injury
- Material and moral compensation cases in accidents in land, air and sea transportation
- Compensation cases arising from land, sea and air freight and cargo transportation.
- The deterioration of the aesthetic situation with the wrong treatment etc. pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages cases
- Financial compensation cases due to job loss
- Material and moral compensation cases due to death due to wrong treatment.

Real Estate Real Estate Law

- Title deed annulment and registration cases
- Lawsuits for determination of expropriation cost
- Confiscation cases without expropriation
- Men intervention and Ecrimisil cases
- Cadastral determination cases
- Sufa (pre-recalim) case, the case of establishment of the right of way
- Mortgage release cases
- Decord registration correction cases

Intellectual and Industrial Property Law

Industrial Property Law

- Prevention and protection of unfair use of brands, patents, utility models and industrial designs
- Anti-counterfeiting, confiscation of counterfeit goods
- Pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages and criminal cases related to unjust use
- Request for measures to prevent current unfair use,

Intellectual Property Law 

- Following the pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages and criminal cases related to the protection of copyrights and prevention of actual infringement on literary, music, intellectual and artistic works, architectural works, fine art works, cinema works, computer programs and databases (software).

Sports Law

Sports clubs, businesses and companies affiliated to these clubs, regulatory and supervisory federations, press and broadcasting organizations, sponsors, betting companies, players, referees and sports press associations and associations, management persons and institutions, Legal services are provided for amateur and professional athletes and other related persons and institutions.
In particular, the Law on the Prevention of Violence in Sport and irregularity, Turkey Football Federation of Enterprises and the Law on Duties, FIFA and UEFA decisions and practices, and to interested parties within the scope of their affiliated secondary legislation can provide legal assistance in compliance with the legislation.
Transfer negotiations and contracts signed by athletes and players' teams, public offering of legal entities established over the commercial assets of sports clubs, player licenses, work and residence permits for foreign athletes and players, and citizenship applications, naming rights of clubs and players, sale of copyrighted products, Our services include corporate structures and contracts regarding jersey advertisements, product sponsorships and other advertising and marketing activities, transfer of broadcasting rights of sports activities, and providing all kinds of legal support to other activities in the field of work, trade, media, intellectual and industrial law.
Relevant federations, administrative and judicial judicial authorities, and International Representation and consultancy services before the Sports Arbitration Court (CAS) can also be provided by our office lawyers.

Enforcement - Bankruptcy Law

- Lien
- Sale of harassment and detriment
- Mortgage sale
- Conversion of the mind into money
- General loan agreement receivables follow-up
- Commercial loan agreement receivables follow-up
- Follow-up of personal loan agreement receivables
- Prohibition cases
- Termination of the tender
- Objections to the queue table

Legal Consultancy Services

- Solving legal problems faced by companies / traders
- Arrangement and control of contracts and correspondence
- Warning, Detection

Corporate Law

-Tracking of trade receivables
-Consultancy to companies
- Preparation, signing, auditing and related lawsuits of the agency contract
-Distribution Agreement preparation, auditing, and related lawsuits
-Licensing Contract preparation, supervision and related lawsuits
-Franchise Contract preparation, supervision, and related lawsuits
-Financial Leasing Contract preparation, auditing and related lawsuits
-Company Sale and Company Purchase Agreements and related lawsuits

Urban Transformation Law

With the enactment of the Law No. 6306 on Transformation of Areas Under Disaster Risk, in the reconstruction of old buildings and sites during the urban transformation process; Providing consultancy to site and building managements, apartment owners and investment / construction companies is one of the areas of expertise of our office. Reconstruction process of aging buildings and sites; It requires many different legal knowledge such as Administrative Law, Zoning Law, Real Estate and Construction Law and Contracts Law. Our office provides consultancy on the following issues with university professors and expert lawyers.
- Participating in the legal agenda meetings of the negotiations with Investment and Construction Companies / Site management,
- Participating in the meetings between the owners and making suggestions for the management of the legal process,
-To prepare the decisions to be taken in the agendas and meetings of the meetings that must be held in accordance with the Law No. 6306 and the relevant legislation, and to draw up road maps for the actions to be taken.
-To prepare the sales file for the sale of the land shares by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, to supervise the sale by following the relevant legislation in the buildings that provide 2/3 of the land share on parcel basis.
-In line with the meetings held with Investment and Construction companies / Site and building managements; to create a business and contract model such as construction contract in return for land share, construction contract with revenue sharing, establishment of a joint company,
-Providing legal advice to CMB approved appraisal companies at the payroll meetings of currently existing independent departments for values based on sharing,

-To prepare the draft type construction / investment contract that will form the basis of the negotiations with the Investor and Construction Company / Site and building managements
-To prepare the new Site and Building Management Plan that will form the basis of the negotiations with the Investor and Construction Company / Site and building managements,
-Overseeing the signing of contracts with the Investor and Construction Company / Sites and building managements and obtaining the necessary guarantees for the floor owners,
- To provide the required legal assistance during the concept and main project selection processes,
- To make legal suggestions to CMB approved appraisal companies for the new independent sections to be created after the project selection, at the payroll meetings for the values based on sharing of the new independent sections,
- Following the contracts and management plan agreement and signature, to monitor the development process of the investment and construction company and protect the interests of the owners / companies in this process
- To revise the contract in line with the zoning status,
- Overseeing the sharing of new independent sections between the construction company and the flat owners over the project,
- To provide legal assistance in the sharing of new independent sections between floor owners and members in line with the payroll practice of SPK appraisal companies,
- After the zoning status is taken, monitoring the process of making the excavation process in accordance with the contracts and providing legal assistance,
- Providing legal assistance in processes such as moving to property, victimization / rent assistance,
- To provide legal consultancy in terms of floor easement deeds,
- Providing legal assistance in compliance with the contract during the rough construction process and drawing the necessary warnings,
- Providing legal assistance in compliance with the contract during the construction of the interior of the independent sections and drawing the necessary warnings,
- Providing legal assistance in compliance with the contract during the environmental arrangement process,
- Providing legal assistance to comply with the contract during the construction of the building,
- Providing legal assistance during the process of obtaining the property title deeds,
- Providing legal assistance to the property in the process of delivering the independent sections to the contract and drawing the necessary warnings,
- Prepare the contracts of the property owners and site management with third parties such as the CMB valuation company, the Inspection Company,
- To provide consultancy to the investment / construction company / Site Board of Directors and building management (Cooperative, if any) in terms of investment and construction in the process.


+90 (212) 264 03 10